It’s the Big Day we’ve been waiting for!
It’s been two years since I started planning to hike the state of Vermont, 275 miles down the Long Trail, from Canada to Massachusetts. I promised my Dad that if I made the trip I’d write a book about it. Well, it’s been two years of writing and re-writing and thinking and figuring stuff out, but today we finally reached the end of the trail. THE BOOKS ARE HERE! So if anybody is interested in how a middle aged veterinarian from California came to be hiking down the length of the Green Mountains of Vermont with two wonderful dog companions, here ya’go! THE BOOKS ARE HERE!

Happy Trails and have a Good Read!
Shirley, Lyssa & Tina
(PS I’ll bring a case of books to the clinic tomorrow for local folks, or if you wish you can have a copy shipped to your door via the links below….)
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